
Fixed Monthly Payment Loan
Our Fixed Monthly Payment Loan Option allows your patients or customers to choose from 6 months to 6 years to finance their procedure. Our competitive interest rates, no down payment, and high approval make this our most popular program - at no cost to you.
Benefits of Using Medicard
- Guaranteed immediate payment - Up to 4 weeks prior to the procedure or purchase date.
- Effective marketing tool - Our experience has shown that by using our payment plan, clients are less likely to seek a second opinion or option, and more likely to elect multiple procedures or purchases.
- Competitive interest rates
- High approval rates
- No collection problems
- No recourse
Go ahead ... tell them they can afford to!
No down payment
No collateral
Competitive interest rates
Flexible terms from 6 to 84 months
No early payment penalties
Financing available for up to $40,000
Start offering Medicard
to your clients.
160 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON
M4W 1B9
Toronto, ON
M4W 1B9
2470 Dalton Avenue
Québec, QC
G1P 3X1
Québec, QC
G1P 3X1
302-535 Thurlow Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3L2
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3L2