Dr. K. Conrad

Dr. K. Conrad

A Toronto Facial Cosmetic Surgeon - Otolaryngologist, and Head and Neck Surgeon who is respected internationally, Dr. Kris Conrad specializes in facial surgery, with a particularly distinguished reputation as one the world's foremost facial cosmetic surgeons as Toronto rhinoplasty, Toronto facelift, and neck lift patients can confirm. His reputation is founded on credentials, skill, compassion, attentiveness, and results.

A propos de notre pratique

The Nasal and Facial Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Institute in Toronto, founded by Dr. Conrad, was created to provide the highest level of professional medical service and patient comfort. With two locations in Richmond Hill and Toronto, the Institute is an extension of Dr. Conrad’s established and internationally renowned Toronto-based cosmetic surgery practice.

Un message de Dr. K. Conrad

"I am asked why I considered sculpture classes to be important to my work. Why did sculptors like Michelangelo want to study human anatomy? Because sculpture can’t be separated from knowledge of structure. And similarly, no plastic surgery intervention is merely superficial.
Sculpture involves forms extending through space; it involves being aware of proportions, texture, light and shadow, and palate. The increasing demand for facial plastic surgery requires thorough knowledge and consideration of the inner structure and functioning of the body.
Much has been said about credentials, and so I must add that my highest compliment is the request to perform surgery on my own colleagues and their families."

Procédures les plus populaires

Rhinoplasty, Revision rhinoplasty, Face Lift, Non-caucasian rhinoplasty, Open vs. closed rhinoplasty, Forehead lift, Eyelid surgery, Cheek augmentation, Double chin surgery, Otoplasty, Facial rejuvenation surgery, Chin augmentation, Adam's apple reduction


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About Dr. K. Conrad

A well-recognized surgeon and teacher, Dr. Conrad is extensively published. His work appears in professional journals and medical texts. He has lectured worldwide and has appeared on network television to educate the public about facial plastic surgery, rhinoplasty and facelift surgery. His commitment to his patients and to his field is considered outstanding.


  • Certified by the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
  • Certified by the Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Only Canadian surgeon to be triple certified by the Canadian, U.S., and British Boards


  • Founder and Chief Surgeon at the Nasal and Facial Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Institute and Laser Centre in Toronto, Canada
  • Dr. Conrad is a Facial Cosmetic Surgeon -Otolaryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon
  • Dr. Conrad is the founder and co-director of the Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto
  • Former director of Continuing Medical Education courses in facial plastic surgery-University of Toronto

Récompenses & réalisations

  • The University of Toronto has established the Kris Conrad Merit Award in Facial Plastic Surgery. This prize is given annually to exceptional young surgeons who have distinguished themselves by perseverance in achieving the highest level of expertise in the performance of facial plastic surgery.
  • In 1998, Dr. Conrad was elected to be the Canadian Director and Member of the Board of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. This position is only available to physicians specializing in plastic surgery of the head and neck.
  • Founding Member and past President of the Canadian Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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Financement destiné aux patients : Dr. K. Conrad

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  • Votre paiement mensuel est débité électroniquement de votre compte de chèques.


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9955 Yonge St.
Suite 101
Richmond Hill, ON
L4C 9M6

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Vancouver, BC
V6E 3L2