Okanagan Health Surgical Centre

Okanagan Health Surgical Centre

Dr. Brian D. Peterson MD

Dr. Peterson is considered an expert in aesthetic surgery and applies his skills on an individual basis to achieve the optimal results.

Un message de Okanagan Health Surgical Centre

Dr. Brian D. Peterson has dedicated his practice to the pursuit of excellence in aesthetic / cosmetic plastic surgery. Performing 500 surgical procedures per year he has obtained extensive experience in all types of facial cosmetic surgery as well as breast and body contouring. He has served as the President of the Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the Northwest Society of Plastic Surgery. He has been an invited International speaker in Aesthetic Surgery. The objective of his practice is to bring this experience to each patient as an individual to achieve optimum surgical outcomes. His office and operating room staff share this goal and will strive to take care of your personal needs.

Procédures les plus populaires

Breasts Procedures: Breast Augmentation Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Breast Augmentation and Lift (Augmentation Mastopexy) Breast Reduction Breast Revision Body Contouring Procedures: Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck) Liposuction Arm lift (brachioplasty) Thigh Lift Facial Rejuvenation: Facelift Neck Lift Brow Lift Eyelid Surgery Dermabrasion Fat Grafting Facial Balance: Facial implants (Chin augmentation Cheeks Augmentation) Chin Surgery Otoplasty Rhinoplasty Submental Liposuction


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About Okanagan Health Surgical Centre

Established in 1996, Dr. Peterson developed the Okanagan Plastic Surgery Centre – a private surgical centre whose goal is to provide optimal care to aesthetic surgical patients.


From 1986 to 1991 Dr. Peterson completed resident training in Plastic Surgery at the University of British Columbia. After successfully completing his specialty exams with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons he undertook additional advanced fellowship training in the United States focusing on aesthetic cosmetic surgery. Upon completion of his fellowship training in Breast and Aesthetic surgery in 1992 Dr. Peterson entered practice in Kelowna. The primary focus of his practice is aesthetic cosmetic plastic surgery. He performs in the range of 500 cosmetic surgical procedures each year and is considered to be an expert in the field of cosmetic surgery lecturing internationally. The Okanagan Plastic Surgery Centre was created by Dr. Peterson to allow him to provide an environment of excellence dedicated to cosmetic surgery. Dr. Peterson is a member in good standing of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons as well as holding memberships in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Peterson is the Medical Director of the Okanagan Health Surgical Centre and has full consulting and surgical privileges at Kelowna General Hospital.


  • Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
  • Canadian Society of Plastic Surgery
  • Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons-Past President
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
  • Northwest Society of Plastic Surgery-Past President

Récompenses & réalisations

  • University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Scholarship for Academic Excellence Terry Fox Cancer Research Clerkship
  • Professor’s Prize in Surgery for High Academic Aggregate and Clinical Excellence, University of Saskatchewan
  • American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award for Continuing Medical Education
  • Best Presentation- Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – 2012
  • Best Presentation- Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons- 2013

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Financement destiné aux patients : Okanagan Health Surgical Centre

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C'est simple

Pour demander du financement, il suffit de remplir la demande en ligne.


Vous pouvez demander du financement pour une partie seulement, ou Medicard financera la totalité de la procédure ou de l'achat.


La plupart des demandes des clients sont approuvées rapidement - en fait, le financement peut même être approuvé pendant que vous êtes dans le cabinet de votre médecin ou le bureau de votre fournisseur de services!


Le personnel professionnel et chevronné de Medicard s'engage à aider les patients à obtenir le financement pour les traitements ou les produits qu'ils veulent. Prenez contact avec nous si vous avez des questions ou si nous pouvons vous aider.

Étapes faciles à suivre pour demander un financement

Medicard peut préapprouver un montant approximatif. Cela vous procure la flexibilité nécessaire pour choisir votre médecin, votre fournisseur de services, la procédure, le produit à acheter ou la date de la procédure en sachant que le financement est déjà confirmé.

Soumettre votre demande en ligne en toute confiance.

  • Choisissez le montant que vous voulez financer.
  • Choisissez de financer la totalité, ou une partie, de votre procédé.
  • Sélectionnez le terme de votre choix: 6 mois, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 6 ans.

Medicard communiquera avec vous au téléphone pour vous faire un suivi après avoir traitée votre demande.

  • Signer et retourner à Medicard les documents nécessaires ainsi qu’un spécimen d’un chèque annulé à Medicard.

Medicard va verser le paiement automatiquement à votre médecin ou votre fournisseur de service.

  • Votre paiement mensuel est débité électroniquement de votre compte de chèques.


Medicard Address

Okanagan Health Surgical Cntr.
401 - 3320 Richter St.
Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5

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Toronto, ON
M4W 1B9
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Québec, QC
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Vancouver, BC
V6E 3L2