Dr. Andrew B. Denton

Dr. Andrew B. Denton

Dr. Andrew B. Denton

Dr. Andrew Denton, board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, is committed to providing his patients undergoing cosmetic procedures with the most advanced and up to date surgical and non-surgical treatments for facial and body rejuvenation.

Un message de Dr. Andrew B. Denton

“Now more than ever we take steps to maintain the health of our body and mind through exercise and a well-balanced diet. As a result, we are living longer than at any time in the history of humankind. And not only do we live longer, we live healthier. Modern cosmetic surgery provides a means by which our outward appearance can be made to parallel our inward sense of health and youthfulness.

The decision to have cosmetic surgery should be made with careful consideration. The final result should meet the preoperative expectations of both patient and surgeon. Many variables exist and must be weighed carefully before a course of treatment is undertaken. The choices can seem overwhelming – what feature is it to be changed? What technique will offer the best outcome? Which surgeon will provide the best care?

My practice is built around the philosophy that every patient is an equal member of the decision-making team. Informed patients make good decisions. I encourage unhurried discussion between the patient, the other team members, and myself. It is my responsibility to ensure that my patients are thoroughly informed of the most up-to-date and effective treatments available. Computer imaging is critical, in that it allows proposed changes to be visualized and their effect on overall facial balance to be evaluated.

More than a decade of experience, a sense of aesthetics and extensive training allow me to confidently undertake the decided upon course of treatment. The ultimate goal is an appearance that is well proportioned, youthful, rested and above all, natural.

The final result should meet your expectations. I want you to feel better about yourself. That’s what it’s all about.”

Procédures les plus populaires

  • Browlift Surgery
  • Blepharosplasty (eyelid lift)
  • Facelift
  • Facial Implants
  • Facial Liposuction
  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Asian Cosmetic Surgery


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About Dr. Andrew B. Denton


  • Dalhousie University: BSc, MD – 1995
  • University of British Columbia: residency in otolaryngology, facial plastic surgery and head and neck surgery – 2000
  • Fellow Royal College of Surgeons of Canada – 2000
  • University of California San Francisco: American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship – 2001
  • Board Certified, American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – 2001
  • Board Certified, American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery – 2001


  • The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • The American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • The British Columbia Medical Association

Récompenses & réalisations

Dr. Denton is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of British Columbia and is the Medical Director of the West Coast Cosmetic Surgery Centre – the Non Hospital Surgical Facility where all patient consultations and cosmetic procedures take place. As the director of the Facial Plastic Surgery curriculum at Vancouver General Hospital, Dr. Denton remains active in research and surgical resident education and has published in medical journals and textbooks on a variety of topics including facelift, rhinoplasty and soft tissue augmentation.

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Financement destiné aux patients : Dr. Andrew B. Denton

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Étapes faciles à suivre pour demander un financement

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  • Choisissez le montant que vous voulez financer.
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  • Sélectionnez le terme de votre choix: 6 mois, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 6 ans.

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Medicard va verser le paiement automatiquement à votre médecin ou votre fournisseur de service.

  • Votre paiement mensuel est débité électroniquement de votre compte de chèques.


Medicard Address

943 West Broadway
Suite 202
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E1

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Toronto, ON
M4W 1B9
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Québec, QC
G1P 3X1
302-535 Thurlow Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3L2